Oh wow, fancy, Schmancy, now I really wish I still had my website. Oh well. This puppy here I made using Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10. The picture is of some kinda' oriental or middle eatern temple in Niagra Falls, on the Canada side. Anyways like always. No one wants me to get ahead they would rather see me suffer. My mother is another one of those. What an evil bitch keeping my father's side of the familly hidden from me until I was in my 30's. My Grandmother has gone senile & she can't really remember me, my dad is old, I have another half brother, he's alright. My mother wonders why I don't want to hear anything from my other half brothers that are from her & some guy named Larry. Well they are drunks & are doing jack-a-loo with their lives. That could be a reason. Anyhow I will stay here as long as it takes to get my long birth form filled out & maybe get started with getting my treaty. Yes that would be nice. Instead of me owing the government 5 or $600.00 they would owe my tens of thousands due to all the tax I have paid. Anyhow if worse comes to worse I can always track down my aunt & hopefully get the info from her. She doesn't seem as cold, dull & lifeless as my mother. I actually think my mother is some kinda' alien, I have never encountered someone like her. As I have mentioned somewhere before it is like a blackhole of wierdness surrounds her. Anyhow once I get all that sorted out I can get back on track with joining the US Army. I am too old for the regular forces but I can stilljoin the reserve. My ideal situation would be for me to be in the reserve in Psychological Operations, a Scout, a Sniper, or in Military Intelligence, as well as doing some Red Cross stuff now & again, mixed in with some bounty hunting, arts & entertainment stuff, & of course my normal monkeying around on the internet with either a website, blog, or on-line gaming. In cowtown I had a pretty good situation, I worked for the city, had my website, worked in arts & entertainment now & again, & did other odd jobs here & there. Yes This last sentence here was added during the edit so if the next sentence doesn't exactly seem like it fits into the flow of things, talk to the hand, jk, lol.
My who journey started out to join the Army then I got sidetracked by some commies who were trying to convert me into some brained dead baptist. I'm not knocking church folks, it's just that I don't need religion, especially from some crazy minister who is from South Africa & gets a kick out of watching me when I sleep. I often debate whether or not I should call my foster sister & say hey look out for this psycho when you son is over there. Yes one day I walked in & there was her son sitting naked on a chair with the minister & his wife talking to him about his homework. WTF! True they did spend alot of time babysitting him & looking after him when my foster sister couldn't but like the kid is 13 now, that's just fucked. What gets me is that he is a teacher for some Baptist Academy in Ostego, Michigan. Yes if my kid went there I would be concerned.
Anyhow the story behind me & then is a long one. I'll condense it.
Basically one of my half brother's from Larry's side got adopted by these folks when he was young. I went go visit him back in the early 80's once or twice in Penticton. I liked them & they liked me so the next thing you know is I leave the foster home I was at in Calgary & go live with them. They were Baptists so I just put up with church, what was an hour or 2 every week when I got to live in the Okanogan. Anyhow after 2 years or so they were gonna' move to the US. They offered to adopt me & I said no & was quite rebellious at the time & had discovered girls, & my half brother had left them to go live with another of their older foster kids who had moved to Edmonton & worked there at Eaton's.
Just to set the story straight as to why I can't stand church & all that b.s. is because if there is a god & all that crap I shagged some girl in the chappel of a church during lunch hour (it was consensual, heck I even had her bestfriend outside to whistle as a warning if someone was coming) at a private christain school & even though he has not blown off my dick with a bolt of lightning I often wonder if I am suffering the way I am suffering because of it or did they brainwash me with so much guilt I just can't really clear my conscience of what others would consider a legendary place to get it on with someone. Anyways in writing this whole thing I wonder if religions lead to all kinds of fucked up sexual behavior. Anyone who's been in or around churches has heard or been witness to some crazy stuff. So now I ask what are all you church people doing after church or during church? Maybe they really have mistaken the Bible, maybe it is really some old porn from way back when & unbeknownst to them they are slowly but surely living out all the crazy stuff they preach against. Maybe God was Saturn, & the Bible is a guide to Saturnalia. Jk.. Now I now all the religious fanatics are gonna' be shooting death rays out of their eyes at me.
Okay so my half bro leaves, I am in some kinda' psycho Southern Baptist wannabe commando group as the drill instructor, I live with a Baptist Minister & his fat wife, & their horny toy poodle that likes to shag my blanket even though she is a girl & has been to see the vet. Yes way back when, I was training to be a holy Christian warrior, the opposite to today's muslim Jihadis. I find it funny how the South Africans knew way back then there was gonna' be something like 9-11. I was told then in the early 80's there would one day be a holy war & I was being prepared to fight it in the name of Jeseus Christ by a member of the Canadian Airborne & a Vietnam Vet who was a former Marine LRRP.
Anyhow I left these folks cuz that was just mental. I had tried to run away once I ended up staying with some bikers & hookers. They cleaverly extracted the phone number from me & called them to tell them where I was. So bikers & hookers do have hearts afterall & aren't as evil as folks paint them out to be. Then finally I ended up calling a social worker & saying hey. "The jig is up send me back to cowtown". That of course happend after when they said they wanted to adopt me & my brother had left & all sorts of other insanity.
Anyways I later visited them in the 90's. I often called them & said I was sorry. Then just last summer after my real dad had bailed out on having me stay with him until I had my stuff with the Army sorted out, due to his wife getting sick I went to go visit them. Oh it's get really crazy from there becuase if you know any of the history of this particulair junket & why I went on it this is another of the missing pieces to the puzzle that is scattered across the internet, in people digital cameras, on hard drives, on disks, on cds, dvds, in notebooks, video, & the list goes on & on & on. I don't even think I could find all the documentation on my life if I tried. Some folks have puposely hidden it or with held the information from me & a million other things.
Anyways I went to go join the US Army this summer since it was my last kick at the cat, then ended up joining the American Red Cross, & did a stint in Falls Curch, Virginia on the phones. Now after having been sidetracked & stomped upon by so many Canadians due to helping out Americans & basically telling my country to hoop it since my & it's political views widely differ & after travelling an extra 7,000 miles, across Canada, & the US by train plane, bus, auto, boat, foot, & bicycle I am now turning full circle & am heading back to my objective which is joining the Army. Once my mom gets my long birth certifacte filled out correctly since my dad is an America citizen I can more than likely go live in the US. If I do get my staus card I can go live in the US cuz I am a registered injun & am more American than most Americans. If Canada continues to treat me like crap I just might go apply for asylum & go live in the US or maybe theUK or somewhere else. Anyways I am finally back on track kinda' sorta'. This has been one heck of a long trip & it is far from over. (There's just way too much info for it too make sense.)
Don't you just love how blogs seem to love to take your nicely corrected work & throw a wrench into it during the rebuild? Or it could be that my Turion 64bit AMD processor inside a Compaq Presario V2000 is just a little bit too much for most programs today & no matter how much they tweak them or I tweak my machine, there will always be inconsistancies going from 64 bit dowwn to 32 bit & back forth a gazillion times. Come on folks catch up. Everyone over here on the 64bit side is getting restless & annoyed.