I am typing now because the person who I am living with for the time being isn't smart enough to talk too. When I do end up talking it is usually short. I miss intelligent coversation. I am losing my voice now due to not talking very often, well not really but it is getting really weak. Trying to get info for her is almost impossible as well. Yes I am here in this dive of a town to collect some info I need so I can get other papers I need to move on with my life. It is frustrating becuase she is so stupid & won't give the info. Always some stupid story to draw me away from what I want. Being in as precarious as a position as I am in I can't say "Fuck you then, stick it up your ass, you dumb bitch!" So I have to be nice. I really can't stand Canada, & the way the general population thinks. I miss the U.S., I miss Washington, D.C.. That was my kinda' town, well other than good old cowtown. The only thing bad about cowtown was once again the mindset of the people, what is it with Canada? Those who have been to my website when it was up know what I am referring too, those that don't I guess will have to be kept in the dark until I can once again get my own website & present things in my peculiar fashion.
Incase you wonder how I ended up in Washington, D.C., I did some volunteer work for the American Red Cross during the Katrina & Rita thing. I think I was the only Canadian there. Sure there were others down where the chaos was but I think I was the only one on the phones in Falls Church. Wow, I heard some crazy stuff, & as messed up as my life is there are others who got it way worse than I do. I guess I should be thankful for what little I do have.
Anyways my mind goes kinda numb when my host is here. Could she be some kinda alien mutant? Or maybe some who knows what. It's like space & time warps around her in a very negative & mind numbing way. Oh well once I get the info & get some kinda' game plan I will leave as soon as possible. Who needs to go to spy school & take years of studying law & psychology when acting, travelling & life in general can at times be 10x harder depending on who you are & the situations you find yourself in.
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