Sunday, February 24, 2008


It's been a long time since I've made a post here. It's mainly due to Facebook & how easily one gets sucked into it. Anyways enough about that, today at work there was a robbery next door & I guess some natives did it. The cops come in & ask to see the video we have of the parking lot, just by chance the manager was there & she helped them out. After all was said & done the cops ask me if I know one of the accused or suspects. I say no & they let it be. Anyhow the point is just because I have long hair & am metis doesn't mean I know every native on the planet. So here I am now asking Canada where they are hiding all the terrorists? Surely the RCMP or CSIS must know where some are, or maybe they are still too busy destroying documents related to the Air India bombing & covering other things up. Yes, George W. Bush I bet the war on terror could be made a lot easier if you looked up north here to Canada. There are probably more terrorists, terrorist supporters & what not here than in the rest of the world. Oh & I am not alone in this opinion either several senators in the US hold the same view too. So with that I guess I'll end here for now.

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