Well I've been getting kinda' restless & need to go wandering again. Hopefully I will be able to go to Israel, if not maybe a coast to coast trip across Canada. Anyhow I plan to do it in March.
I have been farting around with my guitar & laptop lately & soon hope to be pumping out some new music.
Not a lot has been going on in my life lately, it's just work, surf, play games, etc.. I would right a poem but I am too tired write now I've been up since 6 this morning & it is now 10 past 3 in the morning. Oh & I almost forgot I am now the co-ordinator for Most Vocal. It's a group of poets here in Lethbridge. This transition has taken place over the past year. Blaine Greenwood the former co-ordinator has slowly let me get my feet wet. Hopefully I will be able to do my duties well, & help the group grow not only in size but in different directions. For templates I have the Single Onion & Most Vocal to draw from. I once was an Onion when I lived in Cowotwn. For leadership I have Sun Tzu, & Myamoto Musashai to draw upon. Even though art is not war, the same priciples can be provided to it. Anyone who knew me well in Clagary knew that I operated in that fashion.
Well that's it for now. I will try to keep this blog & others more up to date than I have been.
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