The ramblings of a poet who would like to someday get off the road & live a normal life again, but for now is stuck in limbo.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Video Game Vetran
They always say just one more mission
It will be simple
You'll be in & out of there in no time
Yeah right, when has that ever been the case
One thing leads to another
Then the next thing you know
I'm back in the trenches
Fighting someone else's war
Across several planets, solar systems, galaxies
realities, or times
How many places have I been
How many people have I met
How many people have I killed
Sometimes I'm just an ordinary man
Other times I am a genetically modified soldier
Then there's the whole code of silence thing
You talk too much
You die
Simple as that
Well not really
But you know what I mean
I think I'll take a break for awhile
Go on vacation
Clear my mind
Forget about it all
Of course
Soooner or later
Someone will come calling
& then it will be
"Just one more mission
You'll be in & out of there in no time"
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Black Ops..... Actually Make That Blah Oops

Yes the title is in reference to my other blog. Get this folks, people in Calgary are so dumb they think blogs are a covert form of communication & the CPS dude who left a comment was more or less implying that the Clagary Police Service made Word Press, & I guess Blogger as well cuz it is another "Covert Form Of Communication". Oh yes Cowtown is full of idiots. Anyhow I will say this picture was taken with my crappy webcam, but I decided to turn the saturation up so it looks like it's fromNVGs (Night Vision Goggles).
Anyhow kooks will be kooks I guess. I am seriously missing all my toys I have had to pawn off to stay alive. Even better yet will be explaining to woever I file bankruptcy with why I had to pawn them off. Here is the reason why I had to pawn off my video camera & digital camera, actually I don't have to explain if you have read previous posts. Those who haven't I will state why. After discovering Canada had declared me a terrorist I fled to the US cuz I knew that they knew I wasn't a terrorist. I took an 800 mile bus ride. Caught a ride on local WInnipeg Transit, then thubed it down a way then walked to the border. It was during the walking part in -20c with runners where I got frostbite one day. Upon getting to the border I was refussed asylum but the US told Canada I wasn't a terrorist so Canada quit that schtick really quick. I spent the night in a lobby of a bank then walked back to the town where I began my trek the previous day. I got more frostbite, my feet were bleeding, & I was tempted to just go to sleep permanently. Anyhow I made it back to Winnipeg after some dude gave me a ride finally. I had to crash in homeless shelters for a few days. I figured my feet would heal & I'd head to Montreal. It didn't happen my feet got worse I went to the hospital they gave me antibiotics, A whole lot of wierdness went on while their. The usual strange whispers. Then upon realizing I couldn't stay at the homeless places any longer cuz you had to leave during the day I pawned off my video camera, then digital camera another day so I could have enough cash to go stay at the Internation Hostel & relax all day indoors & eat something somewhat healthy, Anyhow I ended up stayinmg in Winnipeg for longer than expected.
Anyhow I am now in Cowtown working on some music, art, etc.. I will get my papers in order soon then go declare bankruptcy. It sucks but hey life is usually never what you expect it to turn out sometimes. Anyhow I just thought I'd stick up a new pic. I can't wait to get a real camera again. That of course will be awhile.
Friday, April 21, 2006
A Poem About Who Knows What
I can't remember when I did
So many miles
So many memories
So many dreams shattered
So many forgotten feelings
I nearly died
Not once
Not twice
But too many times
The lines on my face
Don't disappear as quickly
I try to stay happy
But this is not my country anymore
I like the one to the south better
Here it's just misery, boredom, suffocation, & what have you
These people aren't free
But nowadays who is?
Things go in cycles
Things go in circles?
I guess it depends on how you think
Or if you think at all
You made me a spook
Who & what do you know me as?
Do you even know me?
A lot think they do?
The things that throws me off when out there is
How things in the flats look so near
When in truth
They are miles away
Why didn't I just go to sleep?
Surely that was why they all left me out in the cold
On & on it goes
One foot in front of another
Monday, April 10, 2006
Grow Some Teeth
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
No Exit

Well if I was to make a play or movie out of my recent escapades of the last 9 months, I'd call it " No Exit" or " Beyond The Point Of No Return". Anyhow I am kinda' liking it here in the Peg. Why, becasue I have not done everything here 2x or more. In Calgary I did almost everything there was too do atleast twice. I can only see myself returning if some theatre or dance company makes me some kinda' pitch that sounds interesting. If not I guess I'll hunker down here & then figure out some kinda' game plan. Anyhow I was gonna' bitch about something but I've forgotten what. Oh yeah. Even though I am not at a point where I could afford 2 tier health if it was ever offered here I am all for the privitization or other options that might soon be offered here in Canada. I conducted my own little investigation into why our health system is as messed up as it is & it's simple everyone & their dog runs to the ER when they have a scrath or bruise. That inturn overloads them & that fallout rippples all across the board. What does that mean more money thrown at the beast. If Canada ever wants to get ahead they might want to check into other options for health care. Just think of what the government could do with all that freed up cash. There are many things. I won't both to rattle them off. As for government employees in Winnipeg I wandered around to 7 different locations today in the downtown core & none of them knew where the Canadian Forces recruiting centre was. If you want to run an effective government it might help having employees knowing where other things or departmnets are. Anyhow I found it eventually. I am gonna' go see if I can get an acting gig for the upcoming Operation Bison or something like that that will be held here in WInnipeg later on this month. I want to be an insurgent. Those who know me or of you've read mt blog, or seen my old website would know that I could quite easily fill those boots & maybe cause them to queston their abilities to soldier in an urban environment. Of course I have to jump through some hopes first & get the gig, but if I did I think it would be beneficially to them since I am not your everyday Joe Canuck. Also it looks good on the old acting resume. I haven't been able to pursue the arts as much as I'd like due to all the moving about etc, but I have managed to do some photography, writing, etc.. Anyhow I gotta' roll.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Sunday Boring Sunday