When did you finally let go?
I can't remember when I did
So many miles
So many memories
So many dreams shattered
So many forgotten feelings
I nearly died
Not once
Not twice
But too many times
The lines on my face
Don't disappear as quickly
I try to stay happy
But this is not my country anymore
I like the one to the south better
Here it's just misery, boredom, suffocation, & what have you
These people aren't free
But nowadays who is?
Things go in cycles
Things go in circles?
I guess it depends on how you think
Or if you think at all
You made me a spook
Who & what do you know me as?
Do you even know me?
A lot think they do?
The things that throws me off when out there is
How things in the flats look so near
When in truth
They are miles away
Why didn't I just go to sleep?
Surely that was why they all left me out in the cold
On & on it goes
One foot in front of another
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