Yes the title is in reference to my other blog. Get this folks, people in Calgary are so dumb they think blogs are a covert form of communication & the CPS dude who left a comment was more or less implying that the Clagary Police Service made Word Press, & I guess Blogger as well cuz it is another "Covert Form Of Communication". Oh yes Cowtown is full of idiots. Anyhow I will say this picture was taken with my crappy webcam, but I decided to turn the saturation up so it looks like it's fromNVGs (Night Vision Goggles).
Anyhow kooks will be kooks I guess. I am seriously missing all my toys I have had to pawn off to stay alive. Even better yet will be explaining to woever I file bankruptcy with why I had to pawn them off. Here is the reason why I had to pawn off my video camera & digital camera, actually I don't have to explain if you have read previous posts. Those who haven't I will state why. After discovering Canada had declared me a terrorist I fled to the US cuz I knew that they knew I wasn't a terrorist. I took an 800 mile bus ride. Caught a ride on local WInnipeg Transit, then thubed it down a way then walked to the border. It was during the walking part in -20c with runners where I got frostbite one day. Upon getting to the border I was refussed asylum but the US told Canada I wasn't a terrorist so Canada quit that schtick really quick. I spent the night in a lobby of a bank then walked back to the town where I began my trek the previous day. I got more frostbite, my feet were bleeding, & I was tempted to just go to sleep permanently. Anyhow I made it back to Winnipeg after some dude gave me a ride finally. I had to crash in homeless shelters for a few days. I figured my feet would heal & I'd head to Montreal. It didn't happen my feet got worse I went to the hospital they gave me antibiotics, A whole lot of wierdness went on while their. The usual strange whispers. Then upon realizing I couldn't stay at the homeless places any longer cuz you had to leave during the day I pawned off my video camera, then digital camera another day so I could have enough cash to go stay at the Internation Hostel & relax all day indoors & eat something somewhat healthy, Anyhow I ended up stayinmg in Winnipeg for longer than expected.
Anyhow I am now in Cowtown working on some music, art, etc.. I will get my papers in order soon then go declare bankruptcy. It sucks but hey life is usually never what you expect it to turn out sometimes. Anyhow I just thought I'd stick up a new pic. I can't wait to get a real camera again. That of course will be awhile.
1 comment:
I think I look kinda' like George Clooney here. Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm getting older.
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