Rarely do I get to go back to old photos & crop them or work on them. I guess losing my site for the time being has been a blessing of sorts. This used to be in Gallery 7b of my photo galleries. I used to hand build all my photo galleries, & it was a painstaking process (until the near the very end of my site's existence where I discovered programs that did all of that for you). One photo at a time, well thumbnail at a time I'd arrange on the page, then you had to ajust all the setting & put in the correct stuff & preview the page before uploading it to the website, then all the additional tinkering with links, etc. It took hours to make one gallery. Also with the rate at which I was taking pics, video, adding poems, writing & other content to my site I went with the bigger is better notion after I had moved up to a bigger size of a site, I started out with a really tiny free one & eventually wanted one bigger so I upgraded so on & so forth. Big pictures, big videos, etc.. Then I started to scale back cuz of the time it took, then I started reworking the whole site, then added more content, changed things around, on & on it went to varying degreesover roughly 3 years. It was like a fulltime job. Also I loved it. People in Calgary were laughing at me saying I didn't go out & all that shit cuz I was beaten up by the nazis, & the reason why I didn't go to jams anymore was cuz I was kicked out of every bar in town. Wrong. I had a fucking awesome website & my audience was now basically anyone, anywhere who found there way there, & I basically did whatever the hell I wanted on it. I had my music, my videos, my photos, my artwork, my acting resume, my headshots for acting, my work resume, services I offered, my poetry, my writing & opinions, my internet gaming squad's emergency website incase our real one went down, my forums, & tons of other stuff. I even got in on the Mission Impossible 3 webmasters program as well & had the trailer playing on my site, photos from the movie, I had just become an affiliate with yahoo & was gearing up to start trying to make some cash by getting folks to sign up with yahoo& flog merchandise & products from other companies, I had a monthly photo contest, I had "artists in profile" which featured artists I found interesting & on & on it went. Anyhow due to not paying my credit card & yahoo not budging on an alternate form of payment such as cash, cheque, or Paypal it eventually shut down cuz I couldn't pay for the next month, etc.. So if folks in Calgary ever wondered why they didn't see me that much it was because I was having to much fun with tinkering around with my site & trying to make it an interesting place to visit. Anyhow this like I said is one photo of hundreds I had & that I took myself. Instead of putting up another photo of myself I decided to stick this up it is gorgeous I think. I just used the night mode setting, & used a tripod. I didn't use any filters or any photo program to enchace it. It was just one of those funky foggy nights.
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