This is a picture from 11c of my defunct website. I found this lovely flower planted in the Queen's Park I forget the real name of it, but it was a park dedicated to her majesty here in cowtown(Actually now after coming back to edit this I remember the name, it's Riley Park). Yes she is fond of flowers I guess. I used to joke around I was her Majesty's Royal gardener. Of course this being Calgary you can pul the wool over people eye's really easily & there were some folks who were like "Really? Wow!" Then I used to joke about being the Royal Corgi walker & other things. Anyhow folks in this town are soft in the head. I was out & about today, & of course there were some folks who were like "There's that guy who likes Americans & hates terrorists, he's fucked! What a freak!" Then the other who were with him agreed & laughed. I was kinda' surprised they didn't mention I wasn't fond of communism, & how evil I was for that. This guy was Chinese. Not all Chinese are good or bad or whatever folks they think they are (My best friend in grade 3 was a guy by the name of Sherman Kong, & I used to protect him from the Vietnamese bullies). I like to think of individuals as humans until they prove me wrong, but here in Canada & in the US an increasing amount of them are here for espionage purposes. Simple little things we may not notice they pass along. Anyhow there lots of documentation on that sort of thing. I wonder what sort of person this lad was. Yes, like that wierd little picture I have somewhere on this blog somewhere else, maybe China has already conquered most of Canada through mind control programs. The weak minded ones fall first then they drag their friends, relatives & others along with them eventually. I just sit here & watch it all going on. Bit by bit the Canada I once knew is disintergrating. Yes folks like the seasons, things follow patterns. First there is spring, then there is summer, then there is autumn, then there is winter. I don't know about you but I can feel something out there rippling. Maybe were gonna' soon get hit by an asteroid, meteor, comet, planet, or some other yet unknown cosmic event. Maybe way out there in space something went supernova or whatever 50,000 years ago & is just now making it's way in our direction.
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