People like making up all kinds of dellusional stories about me, if you have read this blog, others, or been to my old website you are familliar with many of them. Friends of my room mates are like "why doesn't he go out, we heard someone beat him up." I laugh at that & I think even my room mates think that is the case. The truth is I don't get paid often enough to go out, I don't make as much as money as I used too. I make about 1/3 of what I used to, & I only get paid once a month. I am bankrupt, & I owe tons of people money. Besides why would I want to go mingle with people in a city that supports the Taliban, & 50 other terrorist organizations, are communist, homo-sexual, retarded, & racist. I am not gonna' go out & support a city that sends millions of dollars every month to the middle east to support terrorism. Also like I said when I challenged the security guard who twisted my arm to a fight once outside where it could be fair he fled inside & all the people who were not white laughed. It's mainly white people who make up these stories of me getting beaten up cuz they like to gang up on me 10 to 1 & even then they still don't fight me. They only people worth fighting in this city are non-whites. Whites simply are inferior, chicken, weaklings, who can't fight 1 on 1. Besides why would I fight them when I still have an open invitation to fight with Mike Miles anytime I want it (Actually come to think of it there are maybe now about 10 white people in this city worth fighting & they know what I am capable of so we all just ignore each other out of mutal respect I think). The only reason why I don't fight Mike Miles is cuz he's getting old & I don't want all the ninjas & other kooks coming to fight me cuz I beat him & they have something to prove. Also a reason why a lot of the ninjas, & others want to fight him is because he is white & there are not that many white folks who have reached the status that he has. I suspect Mike Miles even thought I was a ninja cuz when I went to his dojo I took off my shoes & wandered around in my socks which were fitting too snuggly to my feet & resembled tabi boots. The boots of a ninja. Let's see what else, my brain is also in the kill or be killed mode so that is another reason why I don't go looking for fights. U-m-m-m-m-m-m white people in my opinion actually make that white Canadians are not worth fighting cuz they are snivelling commies. If we were at war & there were no rules & I couldn't get charged & thrown in jail then by all means line up. Without it being a state of war, white Canadians will just use it as an excuse to get me thrown in jail. I pushed one security guard with an open palm at North Hill Centre & he told the cops I rammed my fist into his spine & tried to paralyze him. Then the other 9 backed up his story. Meanwhile down in the states people are normal, white, black, red, brown, yellow, mixed breeds. I wonder what makes Canadians so retarded? Besides I was told don't fight retards cuz it ain't cool. It would make an interesting study what drives the white Canadian communist, homo-sexual, retarded, terrorist hugger to want to fight those who love freedom & democracy. I think they are all just mad cuz I won't be a brainwashed commie. They want me to go to jail so they can brainwash me there, simple as that. I don't see any blacks, indians, or other races making up the ultra outlandish stories white people make up, so that just says white people in Calgary have been brainwashed by the commies, homo-sexuals, retards, & terrorist huggers to think anyone who isn't white & doesn't support what Comrade Canuck wants them too is evil, & all the other strange things they say about me. How far does this comunist brainwashing go? Unbeknowenst to one of my former dance teachers who referred to Alberta as "White Alberta" wrapped up all my theories in a nutshell (At that point in time when that statement fell out of her beautiful mouth the black girl, spanish girl & me rolled our eyes & tried to contain our laughter I forget what she was explaining but it had something to dowith multiculturalism or was just on of those dumb dance moments which if you are a dancer are familliar with). White albertans are taught they are the superior race, & anyone who isn't white doesn't have a brain & is a savage. To help them achieve this goal, the police are in on it, various members of city council, the Calgary DOwntown Association (I think these are people who will soon insist that anyone who doesn't make $100,000 a year, doesn't have short hair, isn't white, or hasn't been programmed by Comrade Canuck can't enter downtown Calgary) the RCMP, CSIS, CF, various members of Parliment & on & on it goes. Alberta is also known as the Fatherland to the neo-nazis & other white supremacists. If you want to study nazis, racism, fascims, brainwashing, communism, retardism, wide spread homo-sexuality, Calgary is the place. If they see you have any kind of sould or are a free thinker they will deem you a danger to society & try to make your life living hell. Or worse yet if you are a supporter of the US, UK, & the coalition that is as good as sticking a target on your head & it's open season. Oh what else I have done everything there is to do in Calgary 2 times or more. Hell I was even a guest artist in the Grandstandshow at the Calgary Stampede 2 years in a row & it could've been a 3rd or more cuz everyone loved me, but I couldn't stand the racists who worked at the Grandstand itself so I told them to stick it up their ass. Yes even with an artists pass with my photo on it the racists at the Stampede gave me grief. Like I was up there performing with Cirque people, & other international theatre people, even though I had a super minor part, etc.. Um what else I have played guitar at almost every cafe & bar. I have been in numerous movies & tv series mainly as an extra or other things. I was a member of Single Onion, I was as associate artist with the Green Fools, even Murray Ord when he was the head honcho of the Alberta Film Industry wanted me to be the face that represented Alberta to Hollywood in the Alberta film industry promo video. I think this was because I kept on ending up in the former head of the Director's Guild Of Canada's cowtown chapter here & she saw the immense talent & tried to point in me in a direction where I'd go out & learn to do things, & explore the arts & entertainment world on my own cuz that's really the only way you learn you gotta' go crashing around, or atleast that is what I did, maybe it isn't recommended for everyone, especially those with a weak stomach. Oh & there are a million other things I could mention, but I am getting tired & want to go eat & have a shower. Find or give me something to do that I already haven't in cowtown & sure I'm game, but like I said I have done everything 2 times or more. There came a time when I realized I had no competition here so I took my gongshow to the internet & well here I am just one soul amongst billions. I am currently getting my ass kicked on the charts over at Soundclick. It's funny as heck I think cuz I am really learning to be humble cuz my songs are sinking like boulders. When I had a website I clashed with the other Jeff Godins in ratings cuz there is more than one person on the net with the same name. The main guy had his website for atleast 10 years before I came along with mine & within a couple of years we were trading the number 1 spot off in a weekly or monthly basis. Here my writing is just writing, there are millions of other bloggers. Millions of other digital photographers, videographers, gamers, poets, artists, musicians, etc.. All the people I have encountered out here so far are not as insane as the folks in cowtown so it just shows you where the insanity in the world is, & it's right here in cowtown & Soviet Canckistan. I've had a few flip out but when they stopped & examined the goods they were like okay, now I know where you are coming from, holy cow I am glad I am not you.
Most of all the reason why I don't go out is cuz I can see the retardedness in the people's eyes, just the way they walk, the way they talk. It all says, I am a commie, I am a retard, I am a homo-sexual, I am a traitor, I am a communist, I am a terrorist hugger, I am Canadian. Then the look that I get is you are evil & the spawn of Satan cuz you love Americans, British, members of the coalition, don't like terrorists, have a brain, & can make your own descisions & educate yourself by going out & doing things & living life.
Yes Canada you can go hang out with Bin Laden, Kim Jong Il, the Iranian PM or whatever he is, the Nazis, the commies, everyone who hates freedom & democracy, technology, free thinking, etc.. I'll just hang out with Uncle Sam, the Queen, the coalition, & all the people who love freedom, democracy, & free thinking.
I know & they know you are just waiting for the right moment to betray the free world.