Fuck, do I ever look good. My teeth are rotted to hell, but damn I look sexy. Anyhow like I said ever since I found that transmitter in my tooth I have not visited a dentist. I have on several occassions tried to switch dentists, but the dentist won't let me. What other surprises are there in my teeth other than the whore of a hygenist punched a million holes in my enamel. Another reason I'd like to immigrate to the US, UK, or some other member of the coalition is so I can finally get my wisdom teeth removed & my teeth somewhat repaired. They are destroyed, but filling in some of the stinking holes, & sewing the empty sockets closed would be much appreciated. Yes this is yet another cruelty that I have to endure here in Canada. They treat terrorists better. They got pearly white teeth, those that need bridges, or dentures, need to go see orthodontists, or whatever, they get it done. Meanwhile here I am 10 years plus without any dental services what so ever. I hope those idiots at Homeland Security who refussed me asylum get stationed up in Alaska. By now if I was in the US, I'd have found a job, more than likely be in LA, doing acting, music, art, dance, etc., & making the place a bit more funky & fun, but like I said I was refussed asylum so now your country is a wee bit more impoverished artistically. NOt too mention I'd more than likely be in the reserves, the guard, or bounty hunting. Anyhow the chances of me making any art or doing in Canada is not really at the top of my list. If anything I will cook up my beats here, get a new website & do the usual wierd whatever it is I do there.
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