"He's been programmed!"
"He's part of the army!"
"He's part of JTF2 (just a little note JTF2 is ultra rarely even mentioned in the gaming world, everyone loves the Delta Force, SEALS, SAS or other outfits atleast 10 billion times more)
"He's part of the Tac Team."& a million other things.
Get a grip people it's just a game. People play games for entertainment. The RCMP thought JOINT OPERATIONS ESCALATION by NOVALOGIC (for those of you that don't know NOVALOGIC has a cult like following cuz they made some really fun games based on DELTA FORCE not JTF2, although JTF2 did make a 1 time appearance in 1 of the games other than that it has mainly been DELTA FORCE with sprinkles of the SEALS, SAS & others to spice things up, oh & by co-incedence I look like a lot of the charecters in Joint Ops, & I was also a beta tester which was kinda' funky.) was a game built by terrorists & I was training terrorists on-line with my specially modified software. Where does the insanity end in Canada? Meanwhile I bet the citizens think Pac Man was made by JTF2 as well. I should've just bought the new HITMAN game or latest installment of TOMB RAIDER instead, but even those games Canadians seem to think are made by the military, JTF2, & were all made in Canada. Infact Canadians seem to think every game ever made was made in Canada & was made by JTF2, I think Canada will next even be so bold as to claim the internet was made in Canada & Canada owns it. This is the stupidity I have to put up with. Anyhow there I was wandering in the mall, people were like he's training for the Army. Yeah, right, get real, I was there for coffee & to see the eye candy that was wandering around, & to do a little bit of shopping. People seem to think I patrol the mall to protect it from terrorists, wrong, again. If a terrorist attack happened in a Canadian mall while I was there I would just let it happen. Saving Canada is the last thing on my list of things to do. On the other hand if I were in an American mall, British Mall, or mall from any other country that was a member of the coalition, if I was in a position to kick some terrorist ass I would (I am deadly with a loaf of french bread). For Canada nope, I'll let the omnipotent, RCMP, CSIS, JTF2, CF, CPS, & other clown organizations & agencies look after it. Besides they'd shoot me first & let the terrorists go, & blame me for it. Anyhow I guess that is my wacky rant for the day.
Oh & I guess if I shaved my moustache off & grew some fabulous knockers, I'd look like Lara Croft, LMAO. Now stick that up yer bum & think about that Canada, LOL.
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