When I was a kid I had no nose for technology. I was a little hellion, doing stuff most normal kids do. Go to school, torture little insects, light fires, etc.. Then somewhere I got into being a goodie, goodie, then it fell apart, blah, blah, blah. Life was just so simple. Now it's messed up, I like that to some extent. When life starts to get too dull it drives me crazy & then I go & start something.
When I do get rolling out of this town I will be glad to start all over again. Bankruptcy, bad health, bah, who cares, I am still one hell of an artist. I get off on making art. Be it photos, a blog entry, a poem, a video, a song, a dance, whatever, it brings immence satisfaction. They are in a way like little beasties. My spawn. Some have died off, some are lost, some are old & wrinkly, so on & so forth. Heck there is even the odd mutant or clone in there as well, lol. You can take the arts away from the artist, but you never take away the creativity. If anything this who catastrophe has rejuvenated me & I can't wait to start digging myself out of this pit. If anyone thought I had that "thing" that not too many folks posses, this has tarnished it but made it more resilant. I am beyond a ninja in regards to art I am whatever the next thing above that is. Ninja master, maybe or something like that, lol. Warlord. The Sun Tzu of art. I once said that somewhere. "Art is War & War is Art." Just think about it. There as so many paralells & what have you. Anyhow I have babbled on long enough, I made this post just because I wanted to show some folks my desktop in some forums. Yes forums are wierd, there are all sorts of topics. This is a show me your & I'll show you mine sorta' topic. It is so strange, how communities evolve. Like if you really get into this whole thing there are just so many interesting things to do. Of course a lot of you already know this, but this is for the person who is sorta' new to the whole thing. I recall back to when I knew nothing, then eventually learned this & that along the way. It's bizzare the way things go. It's kinda' like life but not really. Anyhow until I can e-mail myself anywhere I want I guess I will continue to wish for better technology. I have lost my train of thought. It's late, I should be getting ready to go to sleep & catch a ride tommorow, but seeings as how I was diverted I must put it off until I get a little bit more strength & mobility back. It takes me 3 years to get into super wicked shape, but just a few months to kinda' sorta' okay shape. I am currently at the point I am usually at in May of each year. Yes despite it being winter, God damn cold & all that jazz I have managed to keep a better level of fitness than I normally do. Of course last year I wasn't on the road either. You gotta' keep in shape enough so you can survive almost any situation I used to have as a rule. Latlely though I have stopped being the ironman & take trains, planes, & other transport rather than just hitching or humping it. I am afraid to say I have become a little bit softer, this is what culture & the arts has done. LMAO, oh well atleast I still got it in me to wander aimlessly.
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