This should be interesting to see provided that it actually displays the way it looks as I am typing it. Anyhow what we have here is my left hand & my right hand which I have for now dubbed Freedom & Democracy, lol. One of my old dance teacher's (Hannah Stilwell) said I should be a hand model. I don't find my hands all that sexy, but I think it is the fact that you can see my veins, my bones & the muscles move in them which makes them so appealing. Add to that my fingers are long & crooked like an artists, but also when you look at them are rather muscular. Oh & I forgot look at those knuckles. These are not the best pictures to represent them. True I don't have the mucular thumbs as one of my old workmates does ( I wonder if Christy or anyone of the parks folks will ever read this, they'd laugh for sure. Anyhow where that stems from is Christie got transferred to one of the crews I was on due some dysfunction with her former crew. For those of you who don't know if a crew can survive a whole summer together & not go insane it is something of a miracle, okay back to Christy & her thumbs. There was one day I was sitting next to her in the back & she knows & everyone else knows she is a good looking lass, it's fairly easy to see. Anyhow trying to be a nice co-worker I decided to talk about 2 of hers attributes I don't think anyone had mentioned to her before. So there we were rolling down the road for some odd reason there was a dead silence in the truck so I decided to pipe up my new discovery. "U-m Christy ... I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but damn you have some muscular thumbs!" Then the whole truck was in hysterics including Christy.)
So now my train of thought is now gone but ... I can't really think, my brain is jello. I just finished playing Deus Ex, The Invisible War, due to having a lot of free time on my hands. What a game. Yes not as funky as some other games but overall it is one heck of a game. I picked it up from the bargain bin, when it first came out my then gaming rig couldn't handle it. It was 300 mhz under the minimum specifications. Even with it overclocked to 13333 from 1000mhz. The way some games read my processor was still at 1000mhz. Yeah that was a while ago. My current tower is an HP, AMD Athlon 3200 I think, with a 256 mgb AGP ATI graphics card, a middle of the road sound card, & 1gig or ram. Not a bad unit (it was store bought then modified by me, I think that is a requirement of geeks, to mod your own pc to some extent or build a custom. I prefer doing the customs, but can't right now due to cash. [If you want me to build you a custom be prepared to fork out some dough cuz I could probably make one kick ass screaming machine for gaming, I have no clue as to how to hook up networks or anything else like that]Plus trying out store bought units once in awhile is fun.) It's got some other things in it as well, but even now it is dated. That was last years model. Computers now are screaming way beyond that. Even then it was okay but not too high end in specs, etc.. My laptop is a Compaq Presario with an AMD 64 bit Turion processor, pci express shared graphics card by ATI & 512 mgb or ram. Not a monster machine but for the road, & basic stuff it's okay. Anyhow this puppy can andle some of the older games that were to high for my way older pc. It's funny how many you collect after awhile. When I left cowtown I had to toss into the dumpster all of my acient Macs from the mid 90's due them being outdated, but belive me when I say I love Macs more than PCs. Although AMD is managing to keep my interest in this platform & not too mention pcs are cheaper than Macs, upgrades are cheaper, & there is more software. I kept the hard drives though. I get freaked out about stuff like that. Especially how considering when the stuff I can cook up in my brain some folks can actually do to pcs.
I once went to school with Alfred Huger who now works for Symantec. I used to freak him out with the stuff I'd cook up when other students asked if the internet was safe. I'd say stuff that most hackers/ crackers or whatever you want to call them know. I just watched movies & then added some of my own creativity about what I knew or thought could be done. Anyways Alf said " I'm gonna' make it my life's mission to stop people like you." It looks like he's doing one heck of a job. As for me & my hacking ability it doesn't exist. I was merely acting. I am a good actor though. Maybe in my next entry I'll take a look back at how I might have helped an Albertan chuckwagon racer win the Calgary Stampede chuckwagons races, back in the 90's when I briefly was a cowhand at his stables.
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