Well things in my life are just wierd. I am beggining to wonder if I was selectively bred, then genetically altered, then forced to live a rather unordinary life, further genetically altered, then ... Yes, someone screwed up. They let me have to much rope. So now instead of being the ultimate soldier (I have met a few of the others they have tried too experiment on & they are rather entertaining to say the least), I am just another secret Canadian Forces experiement that went in the tiolet. I have always wondered why I have liked the idea of mutants, clones, etc.. That coud be why people have said they have seen me in places I have never been. So I wonder am I the pinnacle of my line, an absolute catastrophe, or a fascinating irregularity. Probably a little of each & then some. Anyhow after being kidnapped forced to watch Canadian television & exposed to Canadian Forces television productions I must say, I am no further to doing what they want & being a nice boy & joining. I never will. In my previous post I must have been tipped off by something or someone (yes I can read some peoples' brains like a book to some extent sometimes). I wrote about alien abduction. Well this was Canadian abduction. People will say why didn't you report it to the RCMP, CSIS, the CF, or any other Canadian organization or police force. Simple they would say I was crazy & lock me up or who knows. I was going to call the FBI in the states since they specialize in kidnappings, (or some other folks seeings as how I am more loyal to the US, & their idieology than Canada's [Would Americans save me? who knows, maybe they all just like me cuz I am a kook & don't like commies or terrorists]) but seeings as how I have never been kidnapped before I decided to see what it was like. It was boring. Anyhow beware citizens of the world when visiting Canada, kooky things happen. Like I have said before if you ever see me in a Canadian uniform, know this, I am not there of free will, & more than likely they have removed my brain, or it is a cheap clone of me & not the real me. If there were to be clone troops in Canada I would be bold enough to say they would have more than likely been fashioned after me. Anyhow they can continue to be foolish & play their dumb games I will just get bored & laugh, or make fun of them as I always do when they do something outlandish. I just want to get back to making art, acting, dance, theatre, poetry, painting, video making, photography, website design & all the other stuff that goes along with it. Oh yeah I forgot making music as well. I miss playing guitar.
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