Saturday, March 18, 2006


Canada won't leave me alone, I tried to seek asylum in the US, maybe I'll just kill myself to be rid of Canada & it's stupid games. Everywhere I go the army, RCMP, & CSIS are playing their stupid little games, but I will never serve this country because they harbour terrorists, have tried to make me a communist, homo-sexual, & retard. Anyhow I have frost bite on my feet, & other things going on, I would like to thank the RCMP, CSIS, & the CF for this. Yes as dumb as your stupid games are I will never play them so kiss my ass. Well more than likely kiss my dead rigamortis filled ass. How I will end this is a mystery there are so many ways. I could do it quick & easy, do it with style, or just make it pain grisly. Canada you lose again. But then if I decided to live you still lose. I will never sevre you. I had to ruffled a lott of feathers to find out just how gullible & impressionable you are & now I know. Yes suck the rotten fooot cheeze from my frostbitten feet, infact maybe I go wandering again in the snow so I get super serious frost bit & they have to amputate my feet, ha ha, how do you like that? Canada I can only think of one word to describe you right now, & that is you're gay! I think I'll live & maybe damage my body enough just to make my point & laugh at all the money you have wasted trying to corral me. Sooner or later my feet will have to go, They have not recoved yet. I will be stumpy. Definitely ineligable for everything so you lose, no matter what I do, but I think I will live just to prove my point, & further embarass you. I may be the laughing stock of where ever I go now, but hey Canada put me in this boat so if anything they are the true idiots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

part of how tehy try to destroy you is by making youthink your crazy. never give in, y ou're on top of this. they also destroy you through isolation... i alwasy thought isolation was safe & it was before the agents got involved. pretty much, i never bothered any one & they mostly wouldn't bother me but agents are bugaboos, they're like dupees, they're job is tho bother y ou until you feel like your about to slide right out of your own body.

don't let the bastards get you down