My great grandmother on my father's side was a Shawnee Medicine woman. Perhaps some of her healing powers skipped a couple of generations & appeared in myself. Or maybe I have unlocked a cosmic mystery or two & this is a little more than mutation or projecting images. Maybe I am a jedi, lol. Just kidding but I was watching Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith when I took this. This is me in my road bandana. Yes for all you folks who like to wander, I myself prefer to wear a bandana cuz it's light, stylish, if you get caught in a dust storm you can make a face mask. For cooling off your brain just simply add water to it. You can use it as a wash clothe, you can use it as a tornequet, although that has gone out of fashion in first aid due to the amount of damage it does compared to good, you can tie things together with it. Should you run out of tiolet paper & don't want to use leaves or grass, & don't want to sacrifiece another piece of clothing such as a sock it would work as well, although I must admit I have not used it for that yet. If you are one of the crazy folks from the city whom I used to work with I guess you could even masturbate with it, lol jk. We had this thing about masturbation, feces, dawrves & singing songs we made up while at work mainly regarding our peers, & situation we found ourselves in, amongst other things, it would take too long to explain. Trust me it's just for fun & games, people often take everything I say the wrong way. That is the thing about most Canadians as well, very few of them are good conversationlists & don't undestand the nuances of speech, inflections, hyperbole, subtleness, humor, dark humor, mockery, self deprivation, & various other things to highlight things, or cast a concrete meaning or simply to season the conversation. If you want colourful conversation track down anyone in cowtown whom I worked with in Parks. Anyhow though I am not some rockstar, politician, or whatever, one could only imagine what trying to present my life as a movie would be like. I'd like to think just like Star Was it'd take atleast 6 episodes to do it justice & with the rate I am going you'd have to tack on several more as time goes on.
Oh yeah as well I have been given the power of orgasm. I can make girl sometimes melt just by walking by them, I have often heard of some rather exciting erotic dreams many have had of me. Perhaps I am like the earth spawn of some sexgod from wayback when. I wonder if Saturn had any offspring. Or perhaps I am just an ordinary alien hybrid or I have learned some kinda' sex magic. The Egyptians used to practice it as well as others. Anyhow it's late & I have to crash, sleep tight & don't let the bed bugs bite. If they do call an exterminator it's becoming a global epidemic, There aren't any here due to it being so cold, hurray for coldness.
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