First we'll start out with the Zipper, a picture of my stomach. As you can see it's been operated on. Not once, not twice, but 3 x. The first was legit cuz I had intestinal problems, & so were the 2nd & 3rd. But on the 3rd operation, they left the stictches in. So I now have plastic stitches in my stomach. They occasionally break the surface. I snip them off when that happens. Of course there's the slight issue of friction. They constant cause me pain when I get a little too vigorous in excercising. It's kinda' like having 100 hundred or so little daggers in your stomach. Pain is nothing new to me so I've just learned to live with it.
Next are my teeth. I used to go to the dentist frequently, but I had this one Paki a certain Dr. Matthew in cowtown who hired the most brutal hygenists. I think he purposely told them to poke holes in my teeth just so I would be a repeat customer. That isn't really what concerns me though. Sometime after having a tooth rebuilt, one of my front ones due to an accident at work he put what he said were posts in it so he could construct a cosmetic effect to make it look better. It looked quite natural. Anyhow several years past & it eventually broke off. I then inspected it & upon taking a closer look I seen it wasn't a post he had put into my tooth, it was a small transmitter. H-m-m-m what's up with that? Anyhow ever since then I have not been to see a dentist. You can see the handywork of the hygenist. All the holes she punched in my enamel have now resulted in big stinking, rotting holes. If you wonder why I sometimes have a funk this is one of the reasons, & the destruction that has gone on in my stomach is another.
If you are a foriegner & need medical attenetion in Canada I would suggest you head back to your country first who knows what they will try to do to you here. It kinda makes me curious what they did to my heart. Any university or anyone curious enough who has the resources to put me through a gazillion tests is more than welcome too provided that you are not from Canada. Anyone who wants to help out with my dental problems I would more than appreciate it seeings as how I still have all my wisdom teeth & they have grown to be quite large but have not yet surfaced. This causes me tremendous amounts of pain. I occasionally lose my hearing in my left ear becasue of it, & god know how often I've had an infection that has gone straight up into my cranium as well. Heck I may have even suffered a mild stroke or 2 but being rather resiliant to illness due too my body being constantly under siege I have brushed them off. Yes I am a walking medical wonder. LIke I wonder what they hell they were thinking?
Right now my mom has a friend staying here with us as well. I often wonder who is the worse of them. I get the feeling my mom's friend might be setting her up for a fall. Maybe my mom's friend is a part of Comrade Canucks cadre. I for sure don't trust a lot of folks, especailly here in in Manitoba a communist stronghold. Maybe folks within Canada are competing to see who can make my life the most miserable. If you are visiting from another country the worst thing you can do is let your guard down. Keep it up at all the times. If you have the cash bring a body guard with you if you are frail or are a person of some kind of inmportance. The more eyes & ears you have looking out for you the less likely you'll have wierd stuff happen to you like what happens to me. If you have the means to sweep your residence, hotel room, office, or whatever do so on a regular basis. Comrade Canuck likes to plant survielance equipment where & when he can.
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