H-m-m-m-m this is an interesting piece. It's about the ficticious land called Soviet Canuckistan. For Psy-ops in the US Army I was going to devellop a whole campaign about a ficticious land called Soviet Canuckistan. I never got around to it, nor joining the US Army thanks to all the Canadians meddling in my life. I know most people wouldn't apply for a job in Psy-ops & already have a mock campaign already develloped, but I decided hey why not if I have the technology & the know how & an idea. This is just one piece of a whole whack of stuff I had cooked up. I would go into greater detail but I don't want folks to scoop my ideas.
Anyhow I am stuck in some lame town. I have to get out soon I am losing my mind. The only thing that keeps me going really is the thought of escape. My mother the evil cow she is lured me up here claiming she'd provide sanctuary until I got back on my feet but instead has done her darndest to destroy my life. I sometimes wonder if CSIS, the RCMP, & the CF have joined forces & have recruited her to keep an eye on me, poison me, & make sure I slowly less my mind. Yes it's like a prison. I go out for a smoke once or twice a day. I have no money left to wander, & my mom has made sure I have enough food just to stay healthy enough so she can try to convert me into a braindead android like she is. This is what happens to you when you challenge the federal government, CSIS, CF, & RCMP in regards to how many terrorists are living here & what they are doing about them. Oh well good ahead ruin my life, I have nothing left to loose now so do your worst.
On a lighter side if & when I do get out of this hole I can't wait to get back to civillization & get some culture. It's been a coon's age since I seen a good dance show or theatre production. Yes the artist is too engrained in me to serve Canada, well that & my opinion of Canada. The US is awesome, Canada sucks. Yes I think I will wander to Quebec soon & go live there. Maybe I'll even hook up with the seperatists & forward that movement. I have no desire to be a part of Canada. As for all the folks who still believe I am programmed get a life stop watching stupid movies. I just constantly re-hash storylines from movies & then shoot them at anyone who seems gullible enough to believe them. Also Canada is way too communist for me & I will die before I serve a communist country. A free country like the US or UK I would, will, & do bend over backwards for. I believe in freedom & democracy, Canada believes in retardedness. Yes like the one US pundit said Canada is the retarded cousin at the dinner table. You pat him on the head & then move along.
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