Of course whenever I make a post like my previous one or stay in one spot in Canada too long Comrade Canuck (the name I have given the group of communist trying to take over Canada quickly & quietly) makes sure I got a nice healthy dose of sleep deprivation. Canada is the only place I have suffered sleep deprivation. This has only begun ever since refusing to join the CF. They seem intent in trying to make me insane but it just pisses me off even more & makes their devious plans backfire even more cause I commit myself that much more to making sure the world knows what is going on in Canada, what it plans to do in the future, etc., etc.. Plain & simple Canada I rank up there with Iran & North Korea. It is the greatest unknown threat to freedom & democracy the world currently has. Yes Canada I see through you. Preaching hatred of the US, UK & allies 24/7. Well right now in the Phillipines there are US warships & personel that are helping out with the landslide victims. The US has run a million circles around Canda in regards to how many people it helps. Trying to make me hate the US is something you never will succeed in, so why not give it up. Anyhow I have ranted on long enough. I wonder where our new PM will take this country during his term. Will Comrade Canuck brainwash him, has he already been brainwashed, it should be interesting to watch & see. Can Canada kinda' sorta' start putting itself back on the right track. He, he there a little more in that last sentence than I intended to be. I guess it just goes to show how deep seeded the whole thing has become.
Oh & this is me getting all dressed up to go out in the wonderful - 41c weather we had recently. I would make a very stylish snow ninja.
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