Yes I am bankrupt, broke, homeless, & on the road. Well kinda' sorta'. I am currently hanging out with my mom, lol. She has been brainwashed by the Jehovah's witnesses. I am trying to wake her up, but she is too far gone it is quite sad too see. Then again it could be coupled with the fact that Canada in my opinion seems to be heading in a very communist direction & maybe they are brainwashing the weak minded.
I forgot how we started talking about 9/11 & the tsunami, but my mom believes that the people wanted those things & that's is why they happened. I then asked her where was God during all of this. That drew no answer, we then got talking about other tragedies & it ended up being Jehovah the One will solve everything. I was about to burst out laughing & say "you are really fucked up" but I didn't since I am a guest & there is no use in angering a host.
(The One, I wonder if the Matrix was made by Jehovah's Witnesses, I know it wasn't but still everytime I here the One I think of that or Star Wars, lol. Canada right now seems a bit like the old Republic or did up until recently. Maybe Canda was hoping I would be their Anakin. I often put that down in my IM message thing now. Canada will be my new Galactic Empire, [LMAO]).
Anyhow I basically was working at a doughnut shop then I mentioned how much I'd love to kill my employer who is of middle eastern decent 9Yes I know everyone who is from the Middle East isn't a terrorist) & could quite possibly be funneling funds to terrorist organizations. Incase you didn't know Canada is a Disneyland for raising funds for terrorists, it's a well known fact. I think there are over 30 declared terrorist organizations that call Canada home. Anyhow how having played this game several years now in various formats I said to my mom, because I have had some suspicions about her "My boss had better watch his step, one more dumb assed thing & that's it. I've been psychologically conditioned to kill someone like him & I'd love too." Of course all the anti-violent video game advocates will come out of the closet now & say, see there, is what happens when people play those games. Anyhow I did't kill my boss or even throw a doughnut at him, though there were several times I'd like to have tossed a bag of jelly doughnuts at him. I was investigating to see how far gone my mom was due to her religion & also to see if any of those crazy Canadian Forces members were tapping her for info. I am under surviellance quite often by them because I was supposed to be the commmander of JTF2 in the future, but I realized Canada was going in the opposite direction of the US before they decline to send troops to Iraq so I to bailed out half way through the final stages of the application process, which up til then included various interviews, fingerprinting, etc, etc.
Suspicion confirmed, my mom has been severly mentally incapacitated by her religion & also somewhere nearby we're some CF kooks. "Why don't you guys just give it up now I'll never join you, Canada is much too communist for my liking." Yes my theory that is in the future Canada will betray the US, UK & other allies by siding with China, Russia, North Korea & other communist states. What makes me say this you say? There are footprints everywhere just open up your eyes & take a closer look around you. Yes people of Canada it is time to wake up & put our country back on track. I now know why the Bloc wants to seperate, Canada isn't the country it used to be. Of course there is the whole distinc society thing as well, but more or less it boils down to Canada not being the country it once was or that it could be.
Every now & again I'd e-mail the forces to tell them what a bunch of wierdos they were but they have finally banned my mail addy from sending them mail. Yet they still follow me around & try in so many obscure ways to get me to re-think my descision & it is nope. Not then, not now, not in the future, unless of course they agree to some of my terms. Here are some of them.
1.I want a big helmet like Ric Morranis had in Space Balls.
2. I want a female elite cadre of body guards, kinda like Momar Kudafi has, yes I know I spelled his name wrong.
3. I want everyone to adress my as "Overlord & saviour of the Universe. & be given the title of Supreme Commander of the Canadian Forces.
4. I want to live in the PMs house on Sussex Drive, kick him out & give him my old apartment in Cowtown.
The list goes on & on.
My pay would be $50 Billion dollars.
Anyways enough of that. I am so sick of the crazy army dudes who follow me around. I got get on with life. Yes I would not be in this spot had my mom filled out my long birth form correctly the first time. Now here we are 35 years later after much tooth pulling I have gotten her to put down the right info. It's quite sad to see what religion has done to her. She has no mind left. Or could it be brainwashing from the government, I don't know. I have wandered this country since August & have found more & more people in this state. Calgary has to be the worst place of all for absolute wierdness of people. I'd honestly have to caution companies who have their world headquarters there to reonsidering moving them. Or atleast they should take a pyschological assment of their employees before they go to Calgary then 1 every 3 months afterwords. I bet they'd see a decline in mental capicity & a dramatic swing towards communism.
If you ask why I am unaffected, simple my dad is american, I was raised partially by americans, I have american values, I love american media, etc., etc..
I had something else in mind when Iwas making this post, then this beast popped out. I have edited myself in the past so I decided hey I'll just let this beast run where it may. Naturally I have omitted any really crude language or anything of real true mean spiritedness. Yes I guess I am getting softer in my old age. Just kidding I'm only 35, but the life I have lead up until now is just messed, funky, tragic, morbid & so many other things.
Oh yeah the post was gonna be about the picture. Well this one is of me with a b.b. gun. I bought that thing cuz it looked funky & I was making a new sig for some forums & needed a prop so I bought that at some store. It's plastic &fires these little pee sized plastic balls. Look nasty though. Anyhow I have been tinkering with my photos recently & have tinkered with this one. I have hundreds more but those are in my storage unit on various cds & dvds.
Oh yeah in the event of my untimely demise due to accident, act of God, or whatever I hereby give the United States of America the use of my body for scientific research. I think they might find some fascinating stuff in it. Also I would like to donate all of my writing to the Special Forces Warrior Foundation. I have never been in Special Forces, I may have been had I not been yanked around the way I was by Comrade Canuck when enroute to the US & while down there & now while still up here. Anyhow they have this education fund & if they want they can have my writing then publish it & if it makes any money use that as some additional funds for thier education grants & that sort of thing. I don't think there is an organization officially dedicated to countering communism but if there was I'd give it to them. Oh yeah not too mention they have always been my heroes. As a little kid I used to play with my GI Joes & think one day I'd like to be like them. Then as a teen I watched all kinds of hollywood movies & seen the glorified or as of lately rather unglorified side of them. Then as an adult studying them, reading books about them etc., etc.. Of course they might reject my writing & in that case I'd have to say it'd have to go to some kinda' literacy fund either in the US or UK. Everyone should know how to read & write, I think.
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