Yes as much as they'd like to have people believe I am part of the Canadian Forces or JTF2, I am proud to say I am not. I personally would be ashamed to wear the uniform considering how they tuned their back on the US, UK, & the rest of the allies when they neeeded them. If anything the CF, JTF2, RCMP, & CSIS are mad as hell I simply don't roll over & die or play nice & be a brainwashed, communist, homo-sexual, retarded, terrorist hugging, red necked, yellow bellied Canadian. They spread lies in every town I go too that I am part of the CF. Get a life you wish. You can dream that will never be, unless of course you are willing to fork over $50 billion dollars for my annual salary (the funny thing is I help other countries for free or volunteer just as long as they aren't communist) plus all the other things I woud demand & even then I'd just work for a little bit then quit cause Canada is not my cup of tea. When I was in the states nothing as outalndish as this happened. They merely thought I was a traveller, did a lot of mountain climbing, was an outdoor nut, or looked like I should be in the military. Nobody ever said anything as absurd & proposterous as the things I have heard in Canada. So once again I will throw out the challenge to all foresaid people to set up a nice little boxing match or ultimate fighting thing with all the apropriate protection, referees, etc, (so it's legal & you can't sue me or say I cheated or who knows what) I will gladly take on all challengers. I think my anger alone would drive me to defeat every single person they threw at me, you have no idea the amount of hatred I have due to you using my name to further the warping of the minds of the general population. Yes Canada go on & keep deluding yourself I will never join the CF. I've even made sure of that by asking certain folks to kill me if that ever happened. I will not serve communism. I will fight it, I will not serve it. Canada in my opinion has turned way more communist then they care to admit too or acknowledge. The general population is too dumb to realize it. There is the odd person who is smart enough to realize it as well. I am definitely not alone in my opinion. So keep deluding yourself. You are just merely waiting to betray the US & UK to the Chinese when they vie to become the dominant force in the world. I am also not alone in this opinion either. I guess I have ruined your little surprise. If you are curious as how I have come to this conclusion you can thank Sun Tzu & all those other funky little texts I have consumed with delight over the years. Incase some are curious I will explain what I think they were hoping to have happened. More or less Canada would become a forward base for China. I obviously won't have a lot of fans after this but oh well that is life. I just think of all the lives I have saved beforehand. Funny how little simple things can change the course of history.
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