Sunday, February 19, 2006

How Much Evil More Can Be Revealed

Well I guess it will be another 17 years before I come back here again. My mom has just capped off a well planned destruction of my life. "Oh don't go wandering, come hang out up north for a bit." I get here I get a job, oddly enough I get fired, next thing you know I am stranded. My mom has pissed so many people off I guess they want to get back at her through me. Anyhow I begin to notice these lettrs from the landlord about rent. My mom seems to think just because she has a job the landlord won't kick her out. Get real landlord rent units to make money, you don't pay you can't stay simple as that. So I keep on asking her what's the story "oh nothing is wrong" I soon find out she's been taken to court once before, to bail her out a couple of times she has taken out her holiday pay from work. Anyhow she was smart enough to finally figure out I knew she was lying about the rent so she got the landlady to discretely make sure she only got the letters & what not. Upon her getting up today she drops the bomb. "Would you go stay with aunty for awhile, I have to go to court & fight for this place." I should have just left when I still had money but I was sure I could get another job. Apparently anyone from Alberta is discriminated against here in Manitoba & to top it off my boss was a Paki & he liked Osama Bin Laden. ( I purposely directed his nephew to my website which contained my 2 cents on what I thought of Bin Laden. I was gonna wait to see if they'd ask me if I'd lke to become a martyr & all that crap, but I was just so sick of working for them because they violated so many labour laws & it didn't ake a rocket scientist to figure out there weren't exactly fans of the US, UK & the allies. A lot of recruitment occurs in public, work places & such in Canada) When he discovered that I would very much like to kick Osama's ass he fired me. So I guess that just leaves me with one question. Where does the profits from his business go? Do they go home to Pakistan, then get redirected to Al-Quaida. How many other business owners are doing this in Canada? Does the government know? More than likely they do but they are too busy appeasing the resident terrorists to do anything about this sort of thing. Besides they like the tax money so they can continue to harbour the terrorists who already are here. Isn't Canada wonderful. This is why I think it is the greatest unknown threat to freedom & democracy in the world today. Perhaps Comrade Canuck has recruited my mom & she has been slipping me some mind control drugs but they are not working & Comrade Canuck is irrate about it. There is more than one hand involved in my current situation. I've never had this much bad luck in my life. Maybe I have gotten too close to some major terrorism sponsors here in Canada.

If the new Canadian government doesn't soon allow bounty hunting in Canada I would have to say the terrorists here are paying the government a lot of money to keep it that way, or maybe they are just threatening them. Either way I will keep on petitioning the government to make it legal cuz I know I could make a decent living here if it ever came true.

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