Oh & incase anyone is wondering the only really good fights I ever had in my life that were fair & even somewhat fun came from other metis. White people are generally cowards, & they prove it time & time again, especially here in cowtown. Nothing like this happened to me in the states or anywhere else. It just goes to show where Canada is at. It likes the terrorists & will do anything to stop people like me from shedding light on them. You only need fear me if you are a terrorist, or are harbouring them, & as for hugging them Karma will eventually catch up to you. So there you have it in a nutshell, well not really it's far too complicated & messed up. I wonder if my terrorist "*hunting permit" is valid in Canada, probably not. & once again one must ask another question. Why doesn't Canada allow bounty hunting? Surely the terrorist I seen at a certain place deserves to be captured & face the charges he's been charged with in the US.. I guess Canada likes protecting them, if they didn't I would be able to hunt them here. That's the way I see things. I guess asking "So where is Canada harbouring it's terrorists today?" is still valid.
*terrorist hunting permit- a little sticker I got when in Washington, D.C. as a novelty near the Abraham Lincoln memorial. I laugh when people see it on my laptop & start freakingout. Get a grip people it's a gag. Although one with a rather ultra bitter backstory to it. I bet there are even people here in Canada who think 9/11 never happend. Could the brainwashing be that extreme? Or maybe it really is a valid permit in the US.. I have no idea. The US border guys seemed to think it was, but like I said I bought it for the novelty & as a reminder of what will never happen in Canada? Like I have said before the commies & terrorist huggers are dug in too far, I am just waiting ofr WW3, when Canada betrays the allies. Then it will all make sense & I can definitely say I told you so. Just to throw even more confussion into the pot let's say just by chance it was really real & someone knew I would find it & it is legal that would be kinda sweet. Hopefully one day Canada becomes part of the US then I could go to work & not be bothered by all these loons who are now protecting & hiding the terrorists up here. So until that day I just hang out here, write in my blogs, make some music, etc.., nothing to exciting. Of course what the commies & terrorist huggers are cooking up about me is unknown but will probably surface again sometimes soon. They are determined to squash me, but I have to laugh, cuz I don't really have anything left to loose. So go on do your worst, prove my points, show the world what I have written about Canada is true. Still even if you do try to place nice, a lot of folks will be forever suspicious. Especially considering the name Soviet Canuckistan is a common phrase south of the border & is probably growing more common day by day. Hail to the Czar. Well actually Harper ain't too bad, so hail to the former Czars Martin & Chretien, the double headed Satan I like to remember them as, JK, LOL. Of course someone from the RCMP, CSIS, CF, CPS or nazis will take that last sentence & spin it the wrong way. I guess that is the risk of being an artist, people misinterpretting stuff. Canadians shut in as they are do a lot of this.
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