It sems the RCMP like reading my e-mail. When I log in I get redirected. Oh well, nothing too thrilling in there. What other forms of lameness will the RCs try next? I had them tailing me at the mall the other day. It was one of those plain clothes guys from the national security section. Was he afraid I'd find some terrorist who calls cowtown home? If so, would he have drawn his weapon & used it on me to protect the terrorist? These things & more I often wonder. I have told them several times about certain interesting charecters, but have since stopped since they just ignore me & then try to make my life rather miserable. I guess they are concerned I will find more & prove Canada is a terrorist Disneyland. Originally I had planned to capture some & video them & ask them what they were doing here. Then on top of that I was gonna' have some American media here to cover it as it happend so the RCMP, CSIS, CF, & others couldn't warp the truth & once again paint me out to be a terrorist & then hand them over to the US consolate & various funky folks there. Anyhow the real point of this post is to see if this animation works. (I guess not) I miss having my site & throwing up whatever I liked, when ever I liked & how ever large I liked too, of course within my bandwidth limits. I wonder if one could actually hook one's brain up too the net, just how much info would be in there. A few kilobytes for some a few gigs for others, & maybe a terra byte or more for more advanced individuals.
Also how come they don't allow bounty hunting up here? Are they afraid I will capture a great many of folks & be able to make a good living? What does the Canadian Government not allow such activities?
1 comment:
creative graphic! :)
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