Yes, this was at the height of my fall right before the plummet into nothingness & the ongoing slow rise back to the surface. As you can see in this photo I was reaching above & beyond what I normally did, but after having gone on what I thought was a road trip soon coming to an end I thought I'd have a little fun at the end. Anyhow That was 2/3 of the way through. Actually I am not sure if I am done yet. I haven't made it to Montreal yet, then again there are a million other places I want to go as well.
Where will I get the funds for my exploits? Yes I am bankrupt & still haven't filed but that will happen very soon. My creditors are not happy to say the least & my credit rating is shot to hell, but I am nearing the completion of my cd of beats & whatnot I have cooked up on my pc. This is by far the best piece of work I have done. Today I went & made an extended version of Arlington, yesterday & part of today I made Another Song For Lara a bit beefier & called it the Zebra Mix. Yesterday I worked on Marathon & it is better than it was before but still kinda' incomplete, but I only made it for the bit of video I took I never meant for it to be part of a cd. Anyhow I am getting better at making stuff on the pc, & tinkering with it. It is as fun as real instruments in an abstract way. Incase you are curious no it can never replace the warmth of holding onto the warm, smooth, slim, neck of a guitar & having the the body come into contact with yours, after you have been playing it with passion for a couple of hours, or feeing of other instruments.
Oh yeah maybe this month or next month I will return to the internet with my own website & I will post my videos, my pics, & a lot of the stuff I had at my old site. It will not have the all the content, nor will it have the same feel. I think this will be purely entertainment & selling my music & dvd, & other things I create such as poetry chapbooks. If I can't get it to work on my site maybe I'll go & do the e-BAY thing. Should I generate enough money somehow I might resurect my old site & just leave it as it was right before my extended crash & burn.
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