She had such a sweet smile, she had the most mesmorizing eyes, & yet even though I had been warned repeatedly by outside sources she wasn't dealing with a full deck I was sure I had trained a loyal team member. Everything about her checked out on the plus side, she like myself & every other member of the team had been selectively bred & genetically modified.
As I recall we were closing in on an interplanetary terrorist. Being scattered across the quadrant I had split up my people into 8 teams of 3 people with 3 subs from the locals just so we could cover more ground. Anyhow there we were in the abandoned apartment block having climbed 5 flights of stairs & disabling security systems & guards along the way we were poised outside the door ready to do the take down with 2 dudes left on the ground floor as back up. I looked my number 2 guy in the eyes & gave the go signal to smash in the door when it happened. The distinct sound of a supressed weapon being fired twice. A millisecond later a squirt of blood, brain matter, & a chunk of skull bounced off my visor. The Bitch killed the local guy, number 2 kicked her in the gut & over the railing of the stairs, I kicked the dooor open & we both dove into a hornets nest figuring that if our intel was still right there should only be 1 guy in the room compared to the dozen or so racing up the stairs. Holy cow I have never been so wrong before. It was like a wall of muzzle flashes, bits of drywall bouncing off of us as we hit the ground firing at the feet of our attackers. Then when the bodies started falling a missle blew a big hole in the roof & crushed some more people. Fine enough there were 4 guys left & in the few seconds it took me to unsheath my pistol squeeze off 2 rounds & dart behind a wall there none. Number 2 wasn't so lucky one of the turds got lucky & managed to get a few rounds off & one of them pierced his body armour & he had a non-lethal flesh wound that was in the stomach. I raced over & pulled out my medkit & started to administer 1st Aid, but that's when all the guys who were racing up the stairs came into what was left of the room on the top floor. Ka-boom, the claymore I had put near the door tore to shreds the first 4 guys & the concussion knocked over 2 more. By now HQ was on the comm & was telling me we had transport on the way, we just had to hold out for 2 more minutes. There was all kinds of noise everywhere. I noticed a laundry chute & I gave number 2 a wink & said sorry but this is the way it's gotta' be. I then tossed him into the chute head first & he ended up in the basement in a big pile of linen none the worse for wear than he already was. I on the other hand was not so lucky. Guessing that we had no gas masks on they tossed some nerve gas into the room & then stormed it. I remember taking out 2 more guys then running out of ammo, then someone poked their head around the corner & I guess they thought I had keeled over & died, but I was holding my breathe, my eyes were burning & my skin felt like it was on fire. Anyhow about a 3 of them came in to investigate & I could hear a helicpter closing in on the building. With my last consciuos breath I threw my empty pistol at the nearest one & then it was lights out.
I awoke some time later at some base in an interrogation room. The bitch was watching through a window as I was getting grilled for some info. I thought to myself I should have listened, but nah she was Canadian like I was, she might be kinda' unhinged but surely she could be trusted. Anyhow on & on it went. Apparently these people thought I knew where the blueprints & schematics for a gigantic mind control machine was. It didn't exist, we merely made the story up to see who we could catch. These folks were from some radical communist, homo-sexual, retarded, terrorist hugging cult & they intended to make the world that way then the solar system, & finally the galaxy. But we stopped them. I never will forget that.
Here in this reality & time line somehow across space & time this to me. Perhaps another me in another dimension is trying to warn me, but I already know it. I don't trust my fellow Canadians even though here in this reality I am just some dumb artist.
Damn that's a pretty good piece of fiction, maybe I should start writing adventure stories.
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