This is one of the earlier clones of me. He was a lot like me except he had no control over of his thought process. Needless to say one day he snapped & nearly destroyed the research facility. Since it was a clone of me the scientists seen it fitting that I was the one to decommision him. Lol, do you know what it is like to fight yourself, a hell of a lot harder than you think. Anyhow to make a long story short we ended up having some coffee & while he was reaching for some biscotti, I shot him point blank with the new concealable wrist lasers we were also working on to go with the Advnaced Infantry Combat System as I passed him the pastries. Here he is in a solution of nanobots & some kinda freaky preservatives. His eye sight was better than mine so we were trying to salvage the eyes. Also he could lower his body temprature longer & control it way better. I have sporadic control at best. This was further clarified the day when I was walkig to the mess hall & smashed into a crystal clear glass door because my body temprature dropped unexpectantly like it often does & I did not register on the infrared scanner to open the door. Ow, I nearly broke my nose & fell on my ass.
Jeez another post that should have been in Dimension 35.
Anyhow today I was at work & these terrorist type do a drive by. They were probably folks who know I don't like terrorists. Oh well. I wonder who tipped them off to where I was? The RCMP, CSIS, CF, or the CPS? Or was it chance that they came across me? Anyhow I don't really care really, go on do your worst, it'd be a hell of a lot better & more honourable than what Calgarians & Canadians have done to me. Yes, to me living in Canada is worse than death itself. I am surrounded by commies, homo-sexuals, retards, & terrorist huggers. If I keeled over & died suddenly my soul would be happy. He'd do a little jig than skip off to where ever & whatever lies beyond. What would be funny is if I came back & was born into some Middle East country & ended up being a terrorist. Irony of ironies. Hopefully re-incarnation won't lead to such a thing. That's the thing about it all, no one really knows what lies beyond. I have died 2 times, I don't remember anything & did not see anything, so maybe you just die. I wonder if all those martyrs have ever pondered this. Ha, ha, buddy no dancing virgins for you, just cold, hard, earth, & dogs pissing on your grave.
Anyhow the only really good thing about today is that Nelly Furtado's new album Loose was released today & holy cow, it rocks, or whatever you wanna' say. Those music critics & folks who say she sucks or whatever are wrong this is her best work yet I think.
Oh & I forgot, those doctors, nurses, or whoever that gave me a pill that nearly destroyed my immune system you can kiss my hairy buttocks. (Actually they are not too hairy, but I have hair in my ass crack like billions of other people do.) I still am able to heal myself quickly if the wound is not too sevre. Today I stepped on a nail, & it went into my foot, right in my achiles heel. I yanked my foot off the nail really quickly & hobbled around for a few minutes, & 5 minutes later could put my full weight back on it & walk. It only went in a half inch or so but looks normal. I can still feel how deep the nail sunk, thankfully it didn't scrape bone, that drives me up the wall. I can feel the rust & metal though as they make their rounds through my veins. Not a good thing I am guessing. Also my feet & hands get colder faster due to the frostbite I incurred earlier in the spring. Right now it is 12c but to me it feels more near 5c. Once again I'd like to thank you Canada for trying & failing to put me in the grave early. The walk in the cold is an old technique the RCMP like to use on natives or drunks. There are several documented cases of this across the country. The Calgary Police used to do this practice up until the late 80's & early 90's until lots of us dudes from Stampede Ranch came to town & all of us being trained in mountain & winter survival didn't die like we were supposed too & showed up the next day in our normal lives. Also I think there were some other folks who were not native who had this happen to them & when they did not die like they were supposed too more of a stink was kicked up. & here you thought the CPS was such a stellar police service. If that is what you call stellar we live in a sad world. Then again it may only be the CPS now who think they are so stellar.
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