When anything like this happens one has to ask what's the reel story? Canada is a terrorist's Disneyland so what is the sccop here. Maybe they were no longer fondling someone somewhere the right way. Anyhow out surfing tonight & others like myself are skeptics. Yes there are even some americans who kinda' sorta' are asking questions. What I see is potential a half baked cooked up scheme by you know who, by now. There are millions of forums on the net. Not all of them are patrolled. A lot of them are easy to hack into & alter according to hackers/ crackers or whatever you wanna' call them. Moreso let's just say so & so set up a forum & then registered & became part of admin or a mod or who knows through whatever means. In that position they could easily alter what anyone says so this bunk about forums really doesn't stick for me. Not too mention the RCMP like to stick their little beady eyes everywhere they can. They registered at one of the forums I am part of it is amusing how they think they are being sneaky. Anyhow there is nothing of worth at most places I post. Just info about games, photography, political opinions, & lots of humor or whatever. So after doing this I wonder how long it will be before someone from Canada hacks into some place I belong to & alters the data to make me look like some radical?
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