Look at this guy on the right here. Does he look familliar? It's me, but what most folks in Canada don't know is that I am a half assed remote viewer. Anyhow I have shuffled Canada into my ignore list of countries. The US, UK, & coalition I bend over backwards for. I would help out with current events but, why when this country has done it's best to make my life miserable. So if & when things go downhill, don't blame me, even though there is a slight chance I could've helped, blame the RCMP, CSIS, CF, CPS & all the racists. Yes I will just stand to the side & watch everything unfold. Should anything that I could help out with in regards to the US, UK, & the coalition surface like I said I would bend over backwards for. I debate the morality of my stance but it's justified. I might change my mind but the would have to have Steven Harper adress the world on tv & state what Canada has done to me, & then have Chretien, & Martin personally apologize as well as the top dog from the RCMP, CSIS, CF, & CPS. So until that happens like I said I have shuffled Canada into my iggy list.
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