Friday, November 14, 2008

First Post In A Long Time

God time flies by. A few years seem like a few months. Anyhow I have crammed a lot of poetry into my brain recently & sooner or later there will be another eruption of poems. Also I might pick up the guitar again & bang out some more tunes. The reason behind my delay in a lot of things is that I have gotten into videogaming big time again, & Facebook. It's freaking amazing. I was around when Pong came out & now am playing Far Cry 2 which is nothing less than astounding. If you are familliar with both you know what I am talking about. If you play Far Cry 2 feel free to e-mail me & I'll send you a deathmatch map I made if you want. Okay & then there's Facebook, a place to easily waste a lot of time basically doing next to nothing.

Artistically I have been busy with Most Vocal as the co-ordinator, a mantle that is kinda' funky to wear. I get to meet some of Canada's best poets, put together shows, & other duties. Back when I was with Single Onion I was just the poster boy. It wasn't a glamorous job but an essential one. Now, I make the posters, & yes I still stick them up. Single Onion was a great place to watch & learn.

Um what else? In my quest to understand Bukowski better I visited a massage parlour & got a massage & a whole lot more. Omg! I'm not sure if I caught something but to be on the safe side I will go to an STD clinic & get my junk checked out.

I could babble on more, there's a lot to say, it's been ages since I made a post. If by chance you are in Lethbridge on Monday November 17th you might want to head to the Round Street Cafe at 7:15 pm and catch Most Vocal's show Featuring Stuart Ross with myself, Blaine Greenwood, & Richard Stevenson opening up for him.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Yay, it's May

If you are in Lethbridge on the 21st there is an open mike for Most Vocal at the Round Street Cafe. This is one of the prettier posters I have made.

Not a lot is going on with me right now, but that's okay.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Springtime in Alberta

First there was snow, then hot weather, now it's back to snow, & then later on it will be back to hot weather. Springtime in Alberta is always kooky, but nice.

Anyhow not a lot is going on right now for me. I have been appointed Director for a group of poets called Most Vocal which operates here in Lethbridge. The challenge I face now is to keep the group going & growing. Lately at the open mikes & events with featured readers from the Canada Council the turn out has been rather low. I can't figure out exactly why, perhaps Lethbridge has grown tired of poetry, or maybe I just need to change things up a bit & how that will be done is anybody's guess. There are a lot of choices I could make & I'm not sure how the older members of the group will react. For those of you who know my background in the arts you have an idea of what I am capable of, & those that don't will sooner or later find out. Anyways that's it for now. I was going to write a poem, but I just don't feel inspired.

Friday, March 07, 2008


I did the math
Western astrology & chinese
It won't work
What can I say?
Nothing really
Except laugh
Yes that's what you get
For wishful thinking
A dirt pie

On another note
I've been idling too long
Gotta' do something soon
This time of grace
Won't last forever
Where will I go?
What will I do?
When it's over

The list of options has narrowed
Damn my mother
Had she not been so stubborn
I wouldn't be in this predicament
I'd have gone to university
& more than likely become a teacher

She thinks taking treaty money is wrong
I say why the hell not?
The government has fucked us up the ass
So why not take what little has been offered

Monday, March 03, 2008

Jean Keeps Me Sane

I have cabin fever
Want to aimlessly roam
Jean keeps me sane
We go to movies, dinner
& new to us, bowling

We have bowled before
With a bunch of friends
But never just she & I
It should be fun
Jean keeps me sane

Tonight we spoke of astrology briefly
She is Pices
I am Scorpio
Supposedly the perfect match
Jean keeps me sane

We don't have a bucket list
Cuz we aren't terminally ill
But we are starting to make a list
There might be a road trip or skydiving
Jean keeps me sane

I could go on writing some more
But what else is there to say really?
Jean keeps me sane
Jean makes me feel safe
That's something new to me

Friday, February 29, 2008

My Brain Is Like A Marshmellow

I don't know what to say
So much time has gone by
But it seems like yesterday
We rode a tide that was high
Now shipwrecked
I paint the midnight sky

You are over there
I am over here
A thousand constellations lie between us

Your photograph
Conflicts with my memory
Perhaps it is the angle
Maybe the time of day
Or the pixelation
Who can really say?

You are over there
I am over here
A thousand constellations lie between us

Two hurricanes brought us together
One little storm tore us apart
I don't know what to say, except for
Here is my odd little poetic heart
Mabe you could mount it on a pillar
Perhaps it could be called art?

You are over there
I am over here
A thousand constellations lie between us

God bless Leonard Cohen & Pablo Neruda
Otherwise I wouldn't know what to say to ya'

Actually, I still have no idea
Except for hello
Maybe some day we'll meet again
When the lightning bugs glow
But until then my friend
My brain is likle a marshmellow

Sunday, February 24, 2008


It's been a long time since I've made a post here. It's mainly due to Facebook & how easily one gets sucked into it. Anyways enough about that, today at work there was a robbery next door & I guess some natives did it. The cops come in & ask to see the video we have of the parking lot, just by chance the manager was there & she helped them out. After all was said & done the cops ask me if I know one of the accused or suspects. I say no & they let it be. Anyhow the point is just because I have long hair & am metis doesn't mean I know every native on the planet. So here I am now asking Canada where they are hiding all the terrorists? Surely the RCMP or CSIS must know where some are, or maybe they are still too busy destroying documents related to the Air India bombing & covering other things up. Yes, George W. Bush I bet the war on terror could be made a lot easier if you looked up north here to Canada. There are probably more terrorists, terrorist supporters & what not here than in the rest of the world. Oh & I am not alone in this opinion either several senators in the US hold the same view too. So with that I guess I'll end here for now.