Sunday, February 12, 2006

Somebody Save Me

When I had my website I had the DEA hack into it & placed a link to their website on one of the links I had to another website. I guess they were going through my sig & photo galleries & thought I looked like DEA material dressed all in black. LOL, if they only knew that the gun in this picture & many others is just a BB gun. Anyhow I still had a few of those images with me so I tossed one into the old photo program & monkeyed around with the image a bit until I got this. I call it posterBOY, cuz in all likelyhood if I ever did hook up with any sort of outfit I would eventually become the poster boy. Now I am just an eccentric artist with a penchant for dabbling with my images & adding a slight political or miltary twist to them. I guess I am simply fascinated by the subject & line of thought. Anyhow this is a laughable image if you were to take it apart piece by piece, but I must admit for it's original, out of foccuss exposure I did a fairly decent job of sharpening it & funkifying it somewhat.

What things can you find that are wrong with the gun?

1. The barrel if you look down it is too short & there is no bullet in it.
2. The scope is not aligned with the front sight.
3. The light for the scope is not exactly centred, you might say well that's due to the reflection of the flash or whatever, but trust me having looked through it, it isn't exactly centred. If I was trying to do some sharpshooting (not sniping this isn't the right kinda' beast for that, atleast I don't think so, provided that it actually was a real gun & not a BB gun, lol, atleast I think, this is purely speculation cuz like I said, I am just some eccentric artist) I'd be off.

Damn I can't wait to get out of this town. Moreso I can't wait to get away from my mom. Maybe it could be Manitoba as a whole. My dad often refers to Manitoba as the a$$hole of Canada. I am beggining to agree with him. I have never met as many stunned people as there are in Manitoba, it's like another planet. I try to talk normal english to them & they say the most outlandish things, I'm not sure anyone has taught these people how to form proper phrases or lines of thought. I am totally mystified by the widespread amount of retardation there is in this province. How could so many people become so stupid. God if there is one, please get me out of Canada & back to the States so I can atleast speak to people who understand english & know how to talk. Well of course there are numerous exceptions to this rule. If you want to find the smart people in Canada go find the artists. Mind you though there is a number of them who are just as stunned as the rest of the population. You will soon figure that out really fast. Oh & there are smart folks in other occupations as well. My favourites are the Starbuck's barristas, of course not all of them, but there was one place in Cowtown that had a few sharp ones. Oh & of course I can't forget my comrades in Parks. As zany as some of them are few folks can compare to the vast intellect of a Parks worker. Why do you think I worked in Parks for 13 years, it certainly wasn't for the glory, lmao. One draw back to that though is also the amount of supremely messed up folks there as well. Oh the horrors stories I could tell. I didn't think real cavemen existed but there are a few of them who work in Parks & I had the joy of working with them. I guess that would make me an archeologist or anthropologist as well, lol, jk. I think the most horrible thing about this whole experience is that there is no Starbuck's in this town & I have mixed the last of my supply in with some of Timmy coffee grounds to make it last longer. Maybe I just like the coffee, well no actually they do have charecter. No one in Manitoba has charecter. Actually I take that back I do & a couple of folks I have met. Also believe it or not that was also another thing I put in my application when I did want to join the CF as to why I would not want to join them & this is what I wrote. The question something like this "List reasons why you would not want to join the Canadian Forces." I then scrawled down " I would not be able to go for coffee when I wanted too." I really love my coffee & Starbuck's is the best coffee in the world. If there was a church of Starbuck's & the communion was espresso I would be the preacher, minister or whatever. Instead of alterboys though I'd have altergirls & they all would have pigtails like Pippi Longstocking, lol, jk. Well... maybe not. Handlebars are awesome.

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