Monday, March 13, 2006

Tengo que reir donde I

Today I head back out on the road
Tommorow une autre ville
El dia despues de un misterio
Sometimes I get afraid
Peut-etre je suis alle trop loin
Otra parte dice no lejos bastante
Piece by piece I lose myself
Morceau par morceau perds ma vieille vie
Pedazo por el pedazo que comienzo otra vida
So much for my plans
Tellement pour d'autres projette
Tengo que reir donde I


Here's the english translation, oh & the lines go english, french, & spanish, repeat until the end. The title is spanish.

I have to laugh where I found myself

Today I head back out on the road
Tommorow another town
The day after a mystery
Sometimes I get afraid
Maybe I've gone too far
Another part says not far enough
Piece by piece I lose myself
Piece by piece I lose my old life
Piece by piece I begin another life
So much for my plans
So much for others plans
I have to laugh where I've found myself

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